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Dr. Suman Shekhar Tiwari
Consultant Anesthesiologist & Critical Care Specialist

Dr. Suman Shekhar Tiwari

MBBS, MD, FCCS, Consultant Anesthesiologist & Critical Care Specialist

Dr. Suman Shekhar Tiwari is a Consultant Intensivist at Rudraksh IVF & Urology Center, Lucknow City. He is expertise in Mechanical Ventilation, ACLS and Difficult airway Management, Sepsis Management, Acute Neuro and Trauma Care, Perioperative Management, Emergency Management, Pain Management, Nutrition in critically ill patients.

Services offered

Anaesthetic management in different specialties Outpatient anaesthesia for radiological procedures pre-anaesthetic check-up

Medical ICU: Managed patient with septic shock, cardiogenic shock, VAP

Central Venous access, arterial line, advanceed venous access, resuscitation, CPR

Manage neuro trauma, traumatic spinal cordinjury

Special Interest and Expertise

Neurocritical care

Polytrauma management

ARDS ventilatory management

Haemodynamic monitoring